Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...

So every time I look at a calendar these days, I get a little jab of slightly queasy surprise. This year has been a procession of -- 'holy shit, it's February. Holy shit, it's March. Holy shit, where'd March go?' Even though there have been plenty of events that stand out and mark each month -- March was the trip to Vegas with Matt, Gretta, Zack, Aliah, Erin; May was the trip to Phoenix; April we spent remodeling the bathroom of death and despair -- it's amazing that this year is already half over.

Of course, looking back to the first of the year, at the New Year's Eve party, that seems like a lifetime ago. Time goes by quickly but has gone by slowly -- memories of moving into our house eight months ago have the same sepia-tint of nostalgia as memories of my high school graduation.

I'm not sure how to go about siezing each day and living in each moment and all that stuff that's supposed to keep time from sliding by. The unfortunate truth is that the things that make life easy are the things that make time go poof -- routine, for example. Spending hours on the computer, for example. It's amazing that someone with as little to do as me -- someone who works from home at a job that requires a maximum of two hours a day -- always feels crunched for time.

One of my college professors, after continued frustration at my last-minute papers and constant tardiness, told me "do not be a slave to time. Sieze it and use it or it will use you." Which is all well and good, but I'm not quite sure how to start. Maybe this blog will help - having something to distract me from all of the other distractions up in this piece.

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